2 minute read

This guide will help you improve the classic mode in Sven Coop and fix some issues that have currently not been fixed in the latest update of the game.

IMPORTANT! This guide is aimed toward those who are hosting listen servers, though it should be easy to figure out for a dedicated one.

The guide will be subject to change depending if sven coop gets some of these fixes implemented or cooler plugins have been made!


ClassicModeDeluxe Plugin

ClassicModeDeluxe is a Sven Coop Plugin that allows classic mode to be used in any/all maps of your choosing and also adds some skill settings from Half-life 1 and Sven Coop 3.0

Blue Shift Xen Level Fix

This replaces the map ba_xen5 with fixed version allowing the map to work properly within sven coop.

Opposing Force Ending Fix

This fixes the boss at the ending of Opposing Force allowing it to spawn in-game.

Night Vision Script

This plugin adds back the night vision goggles from Opposing Force back into Sven Coop, this can be used on any map.



To install the Classic Mode Deluxe plugin, you must download the plugin archive using the download links above. You will then need to navigate to a folder called svencoop_addon nested inside the Sven Coop root game folder and extract the archive into it.

An gif of the above instructions

Now back out of the folder and open the svencoop folder and look for the file named default_plugins.txt and open it in your favorite text editor.

Add this bunch of text inside the file underneath all the currently added plugins:

		"name" "ClassicModeDeluxe"
		"script" "ClassicModeDeluxe/ClassicModeDeluxe"
		"concommandns" "cm"

An gif of the above instructions

Just simply save the file and you will now have finished installing Classic Mode Deluxe!

For additional configuration and other things, please check out the plugins official readme here.

Blue Shift Xen Level Fix

Installing this is pretty simple compared to the last thing we did. All you need to do is replace the ba_xen5.bsp file inside svencoop\maps\ in your root game dir folder with the file from the download.

An gif of the above instruction

Opposing Force Ending Fix

To install this fix, all you need to do is to extract the download into your svencoop_addon folder.

An gif of the above instruction

Be sure to read the included readme file for more information about how this fix works!

Last but not least:

Night Vision Script

Open the link in the downloads above and right click and save as Nightvision.as and save it inside the svencoop/scripts/ folder located inside the root game directory.

An still image of the above instruction

Go into default_plugins.txt again and add this to it:

		"name" Nightvision"
		"script" "Nightvision"

Save it and your finished with installing the script!

To use the night vision, just open your games console and bind a key to .nightvision

bind <key> .nightvision

And there you have it! Your game should now be a bit more like classic half-life and its expansion packs should be playable through to the end.

This is my first guide that i have written in years so constructive criticism is always appreciated, feel free to comment below!



  • Sparks#1475 for the Blue Shift Xen Fix
  • Wootguy for the ClassicModeDeluxe plugin
  • Cubemath for the Opposing Force Ending Fix
  • Nero for the Night Vision Script
